This folder contains all the files you'll need to create a simple server with EasyRTC, Express, and You can copy these files where you wish.
- package.json - Provides project information allowing npm to find and install required modules.
- server.js - Server code.
- server_ssl.js - Server code for doing ssl using included keys, for testing purposes.
- localhost.(key/crt) - self-signed keys for local host.
- /static/ - Root folder for web server. Put html files here!
- Type
npm install
in console. - This will read the package.json file to find and install the required modules including EasyRTC, Express, and
- Required modules will go into a new 'node_modules' subfolder
- Type
npm start
in console.
- In your WebRTC enabled browser, visit your server address including the port. By default port 8080 is used.
- http://localhost:8080/
- Type
npm run docker:build
thennpm run docker:start
in console.
Note: Require Docker to be installed.
- Type
npm run docker-compose:start
in console.
Note: Require docker-compose to be installed.
docker build . -t easyrtc
Run default:
docker run -it --name easyrtc -p 8080:8080 easyrtc
Run HTTP server:
docker run -it --name easyrtc --rm -p 8080:8080 easyrtc run server
Run HTTPS server:
docker run -it --name easyrtc --rm -p 8443:8443 easyrtc run server_ssl
Run HTTPS server with custom certs:
docker run -it --name easyrtc --rm -p 8443:8443 -v $(pwd)/certs/:/usr/src/app/certs/:ro easyrtc run server_ssl